From Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio club we had an enjoyable weekend – VK4ALH VK4LHD VK4VXX VK4PN and VK4TS. 

The new inverted V dipoles made by Robert VK4LHD for 160 80 and 40 worked well – we had a tribander for 20 15 and 10-up about 20m high and tried a triplexer on the rigs -which was pretty neat – being able to run two 100 watt radios through a single antenna and not have major interference.

The triplexer unit was a Dunestar and we used some of the club W3NQN filters. http://dunestar.com/store/HF-Triplexer- … pid-6.html

We used 100w on all bands and the rigs were a mix 160 was a IC756Pro11, 40 FT950 80 FT2000, VHF UHF was the IC910 and a 706Mark2 for 6M – We mounted our feild day yagi’s on the clubhouse roof for 6 2 and 70cm – about 25 feet high.

As usual we ran the Contest logger from Mike VK3AVV VKCL and it worked fine. For CW on 160 we had a straight keyer with VK4PN, otherwise on 80 40 20 it was either VK4VXX using a MFJ paddle, or VK4TS using CW Type…I miss N1MM Logger in times like this :D

We made a total of 557 QSOs with only 15m not getting any in the log. Thanks to everyone who worked the club.

Total Score was 990 Points before Log checking by the adjudicators.