Sydney Amateur Radio Ferry Contest

The Sydney Amateur Radio Ferry Contest takes place on Sydney Harbour on Sunday March 13th from 10:00 to 16:00 local time.

This unique new contest brings hams from all over the nation to Sydney Harbour and invites them to make VHF / UHF contacts from any of the system’s ferries and 36 wharves.

With all-day travel for just $2.50 using an Opal Card, this is a great way to spend a Sunday!

To add some fun, operation is restricted to hand-held radios (any mode) and can include repeater, simplex or “eyeball” (a handshake and an exchange of QSL cards) contacts.

Contestants can obtain points multipliers by working multiple ferries and multiple wharves during the six hour contest. A number of awards, including the prestigious “Worked All Ferries” (or WAF Award), are available.

The event is being run by the Waverley Amateur Radio Society (VK2BV) and we will be running a club station at Rose Bay Ferry Wharf for the duration of the contest. We hope to eyeball as many contestants as we can during the day.

Tune in to the WARS Paddington repeater 147.025 (+600; CTCSS 91.5) from 8:00am to hear announcements, last minutes news and an official opening address.

This is a fun contest for the amateur radio community but also a great way to promote amateur radio to the community at large.

Full contest details are at the club website:  … or contest Facebook page:

If you have any questions prior to the event then please direct them to the Contest Managers. Contact details are available on the website.