Spring VHF-UHF Field Day 2014 – 22/23 November
Jobs to do for everyone prior to Field Day
Send Voice clip to AR WIA National news – 10 seconds – “I am VK2### and I will be at Boodock Trig for the VHF UHF Field Day – on 23cm FM look forward to the contacts”
Send email from individual hams to every club requesting they participate
Send email to hams located in spots that aid scoring requesting they be active
Create list of conveniently located hams and keep asking them eg VK2XN Narrabri operating from Mount Kaputar eg VK4HF/2 operating from Guyra VK2BA from Dorrigo
Talk to hams on air about how easy it is to be active for Field Day
Write article for AR Magazine – How to find your Grid Square and how to find the UHF Button on your FT857D
Copy same to VKLogger VK Ham Facebook and every other social media source
Create Twitter account for Contest and send out updates
Create team of club members to activate multiple sites rather than going to one site
Ask contest manager for minor change to rules to allow the ops of Multi op stations to operate as single ops (obvious that they cannot contact them self or the Multi op)
Convince everyone who operate that it is part of the deal to encourage others to participate and that they will personally benefit