Contester of the Month HARY 9M2GET July 2017

Contester of the Month HARY 9M2GET 9M2SM 9M2M W9UN. Crew for 9M2MI 9M90IARU

9m2Get Hary

Hary is a very active Malaysian Contester – One of the first to obtain a shortened contest callsign for use in Malaysia 9M2M for his club, The Ara Boys Contest and Dxers Team.

The team is active from Hary’s QTH with a more than adeqaute array of antenna for a suburban block including a 2 element 40M yagi. Hary’s callsign is 9M2GET and his XYL Oja is 9M2OUT

We had the pleasure of catching up with the 9M2M team when we were last in Malaysia and they are an awesome bunch. Keep an ear out for them on the bands.

What is your favourite Contest ?

I like the AADX contest, even though its 48 hours and quite tiring but I really enjoyed it. For 7 years the MCMC has allow us to use the 9M2M as a special callsign . It’s a great opportunity to allow new contesters from 9M and 9W a chance to operate pileups especially in the AADX contest where lots of stations are hunting for Asia. If I work single op all band, my favourite contest is WAE. I love pile ups from EU and also enjoy keying in QTC.

9m2m Trophies

What is your favourite Rig ?

Anything by Icom. We use 756 Pro 3 and 7600 loaded with 4O3A filters at the contest station. The CUBEX antenna and some mono band yagi talks to the radio and our antenna is always optimised

What modes do you contest in ?

Mainly SSB and CW but my interest is CW

9M2M Op Position

What is your favourite contest band and why ?

Upper Band -20,15,10 M I have a 2 element cubical quad on a tribander and we are proud and loud on these Bands.

What is your preferred Contesting Software ?

N1MM is our logger (its a bit of a learning curve to get it all networked and Weerut W2RUT is in charge of that).

What is your preferred Mic and Key ?

Heil Pro-Set 6 and Pro 7 – the are light and robust, I also use Heil FS-2 Footswitch.

What is your “not so secret ” weapon ?

Enjoy the contest with all the crew. Don’t think about points and winning. BBQ, F nB and chat also helps me a lot during break time before handling pile up. Credit to Vietnam Coffee for always making us stronger.

9M2M Ops in action


What is your best tip to a newbie contester?

Jump in an operate, practice on the JA and EU pileups If you are not big enough to run, search and pounce until you get your DXCC. For Cw lovers, you can train with morse runner. This software help me a lot in CW pile ups.

What are your aspirations in contesting?

To be Asean Champion. Beat E2X E2A YE2R YE2A HS0ZIA HS0ZAR HS0ZHC 9V1YC…..all big guns from Asean.

What would you like to improve in either your skills and/or station?

I really hope can get a 2nd tower for low band ant system. Also a solid state Amplifier Some Stub or triplexer for BPF.


Who is 9M2GET ?

I work at as a Teacher at SMK SYED ALWI secondary school. I started off on 10  Meter in 2008 with my B licence as 9W2LLK. My electronics and HAM knowledge is self taught so I leveraged off my elmer 9W2DI, 9M2PZ and 9M2AR