A call for nominations was made to members via email on the 12th August 2021 with a request for nominations for (RASA) committee positions 2021-2022 to be received by the Returns Officer before 1700 AEST on the 17th August 2021.
Only one final nomination for each for the following positions was received before the due time and date:
President, Paul Anslow, VK2APA
Vice President, Robert (Bob) Bristow, VK6POP
Treasurer, Chris Chapman, VK3QB
General Secretary, Philip (Phil) Pavey, VK3VB
Admin Secretary, Ian Jackson, VK3BUF
It is noted that the RASA committee incudes three members of the VK Contest Club, three members of FISTS Down Under (Morse Code) and that all committee members are active with on-air activities; digital modes, DXing, contesting, construction and portable operations. RASA will continue commitments to growing our hobby, supporting contesting and noise mitigation with QRM Guru and other initiatives.