Hi all,
I guess quite a few of you are in the middle of your preparations for upcoming CQWW CW this coming weekend, 29-30 Nov, 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC. If you’re not in seriously, just give it a go. It is the biggest CW contest of the year – and the best!
Would be great to share your plans with all of us here.. We are 100+ VKs on this mailing list that focuses solely on the wonderful world of contesting!! Below are a few notes and reminders about changes in rules:
Please don’t forget to submit your log electronically within 5 days after the contest finishes, ie by 5th December at 2359 UTC at the latest.
The preferred and easiest way of submitting is on the CQWW web site at:
Logs can also be submitted in CABRILLO format by email to cw@cqww.com. Include only the entry call sign in the “Subject:” line.
Don’t forget to write VK CONTEST CLUB in the appropriate field (‘club’) when you submit your log. If you have problems generating the standard CABRILLO format with your logging software, just send me an email. Happy to help.
ROOKIE – for everybody who is new to ham radio (Lis < 3 years): The operator was first licensed as a radio amateur less than three (3) years before the date of the contest. Indicate the date first licensed in the SOAPBOX field.
CLASSIC – 24 hours max instead of 48 hours participation. The entrant will use only one radio, no QSO alerting assistance, and may operate up to 24 of the 48 hours – off times are a minimum of 60 minutes during which no QSO is logged. If the log shows more than 24 hours of operation, only the first 24 hours will be counted for the overlay score. The one radio must not be able to receive while transmitting.
MULTI-ONE, LOW POWER: multi operators, one transmitter now has a low power category, < 100w.
Set your goals at your own leisure, if you have any. Anything makes sense. It could be to beat an existing record, your own personal best from previous years or your just a random one (eg no. of QSOs or worked DXCC countries).
Here’s a link to the CQWW – RECORDS page for VK. CW is in the right hand column.
Have fun & see you on the bands in a week’s time. I will be heading up North and join VK4KW for a multi-multi.
Bernd VK2IA