2014 Claimed Scores of the Year #1 VK4QH SOAB SSB

New Record SSB SOAB record Oceania Dx Contest

Oceania DX Contest Results for VK4QH

Band QSOs Pts Pfx
1.8 4 80 4
3.5 18 180 17
7 209 1045 116
14 389 389 251
21 475 950 309
28 953 2859 434
Total 2048 5503 1131
Score: 6,223,893


Equipment :

Radios: Yaesu FT1000MP MKV, Yaesu FT1000MP MKV Field, Yaesu FT920, Yaesu FT847, Yaesu FT100D.

Amplifier: Yaesu VL1000 Quadra.

Microphone/Headset: Heil Pro-set Plus!, Heil Pro-Set-4, Yaesu MD-1

Rotators: Yaesu G-1000DXA, Kenpro KR600RC.

Antenna’s: TET HB443DX Quad Band Yagi 3 Elements on 40 Meters and 4 Elements on 10, 15 & 20 Meters on Tower No. 2

Hy-Gain TH6DX Waiting to go up on tower No.3

6 Element 10 Meter OWA Yagi on a 10.7 meter Boom Design by www.g0ksc.co.uk on Tower No. 1

160 Meter Loop.

40 meter 4 Square with 256 radials, controlled by Array Solutions phased controller.

80 Meter Loop.

80 Meter DX Window 1/4 wave vertical with 48 radials ATM ..More to be added soon.

6 Meter Home Brew 5 element Yagi.

2m/70cm Diamond GP9 Vertical.

WX0B StackMatch which allows up to 3 antennas to be used at the same time.

Tower No 1: 2 Stage 13.7 meter Nally Self supporting, Tilt over Tower.

Tower No 2: 2 Stage 14.5 meter Home modified Tilt over Tower.

Tower No.3 :3 Stage 18 meter in process of being modified to tilt over.

Interests : Chasing DX and Contesting On my own and with my club The Lockyer Valley Amateur Radio Club VK4WIL.

Member of the VK Contest Club

Club Website: www.lvrec.org

My Facebook Page http://facebook.com/VK4QH Add me if you like !!!

My Email Address: vk4qh@wia.org.au