This is a call for the expression of interest in operating or assisting as a team member with the operation of the VK HQ stations in the Commonwealth Contest (BERU) on 12/13 March 2021.

The Contest History:  The 85th Commonwealth Contest will be held in March 2022. This is a friendly CW contest for all British Commonwealth call areas.

Commonwealth Contest

In 2022, Australia will again field two teams of 5 operators. In 2021, the Australia One team won the team section again and the Australia Two team gained 3rd place. The following WIA HQ stations were activated last year; VK1WIA, VK2WIA, VK3WIA, VK4WIA, VK5WIA, VK6WIA and VK7WIA.  The 2021 results can be found here:


Commonwealth Contest

This year we are again attempting to activate as many VKxWIA HQ stations as possible.

Each HQ station counts as an additional call area, which means every QSO with one is worth a bonus of 20 points, plus 5 points for the QSO, so HQ stations are highly valuable and hunted by all the contestants!  They are also unique in that entrants may contact any HQ station, including any in their own call area – i.e. VK2 entrants can contact VK2WIA for points, VK3 entrants can contact VK3WIA for points, etc.  No other contacts between entrants in the same call area (I.e. between VK2GR and VK2BJ) are permitted.

In order to make the best possible score it is important for each member of the Australian squad to work as many ‘bonus stations’ as possible.  Each Australian state counts as a separate call area on each band, and the first three contacts we make with each Australian state other than our own on each band each earns twenty bonus points, so please join in the CW fun of this contest.

HQ stations, many of them representing national radio societies, identify themselves by sending ‘HQ’ after each serial number they send.

More history and previous contest results can be found here:

Commonwealth Contest

Conditions of VK HQ station operation:


  1. To operate a WIA call sign, it is a requirement that the operator is a WIA member.
  2. Operate within the ACMA conditions for your licence level.
  3. Electronic logging to produce an ADIF log. eg. N1MM+
  4. State coordinators submit their final ADIF log to the WIA and the Cabrillo log to the RSGB within 5 days of the contest.
  5. Submit the final log to the state HQ station coordinator (VK2GR).

Allan Mason, VK2GR
Mobile: +61 401 324 058

Commonwealth Contest