2X1 The WIA Steps Up to the Mark to help VKCC initiative

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has offered to help the Australian Maritime College (AMC) with the implementation of the 2X1 Contest callsigns.
COVID and other workload related delays have impacted the start and issuing of the new 2×1 callsign block allocations which were announced in December 2020 by AMC as being available “when ready to issue these callsigns”
AMC Callsign template can be found here: Link

For several years, the WIA has conducted an Annual Contesting Champion Trophy and the applicable scoring ranks Australian contest operators as per activity.

Peter Clee VK8ZZ WIA Secretary said, “We (WIA), post the scores on line that show who are the active contesters in Australia, it is posted on the WIA Website.”

Contest Championship rules can be found here: Link

Contest Champion – VK4PJ Peter Brown Trophy.
“The WIA Contest Champion is awarded annually for the best combined effort in WIA Sponsored Contests.”

“If you peruse this list, you can see the active contesters.” said Peter VK8ZZ

Are you on the Contest Champion list?: Link

The WIA has offered to get the 2X1 callsigns up and going in a very short period, owing to the existing robust systems in place from when the WIA implemented the exam system.

The WIA has a fully functioning online 2×1 Callsign availability checker for use running now.
Check for available 2×1 Callsigns: Link

Do you qualify for a 2×1 Contest callsign meeting all the proposed criteria? (currently includes VK and WRTC rankings)
Check here: Link

2×1 Callsign recommendation is literally instantaneous, based on the applicant’s qualification by an inbuilt automatic criteria checklist function within the administration process.

Once approved, it is envisaged that a Callsign Recommendation form will be automatically completed and downloadable as a PDF for direct emailing to AMC by the applicant for swift processing by ACMA.

The WIA looks forward to working together with the AMC in this matter for the benefit of all Australian Amateur Radio Contest operators.